Wednesday, September 8, 2010

About Me

I am a student attending the University of Texas at El Paso and I am studying to be in the nursing field. Specific types of work that a nurse does is help out patients with their medical conditions. It is our job to help out the patients in the best way possible and attend to their every need. Other things that a nurse usually does are take a patient’s blood pressure, check your temperature, and check your height and weight.

Issues that can concern a nurse are patients not getting the proper care that they need. Whether, it is them having a condition that can be severe and them not getting the proper care. Reasons for this can be whether the patients do not have enough money to get the proper care that they need when they are ill. Consequences to this can lead to the patient having to pay more when they go to the doctor for an emergency. Reason being that all of their previous conditions that did not get attended to properly end up coming up on their check up.

Places where nurses work at are at hospitals, clinics, etc. They work at many places and can be found just about anywhere there is a doctor.